Saturday, August 3, 2013

Card Making

Ok, I have been making cards lately. One when I want to thank somebody, give a birthday wish, or whatever the occasion may be, I make a card. A card of encouragement, to a bus driver in the city , to say Proud of you, missing you, you are one of a kind, or whatever the case may be. There is usually a personal story that inspires each I make.
Happy New Year 2013

I was really thinking of my friends in Tennessee when I made this one

I love having pictures of my friend and I so I thought of making a card that somebody else could do that too

It was a pretty nice day out and I love butterflies

This one I made thinking how getting a card from somebody makes me smile and it does others too

Moms and Dads, teachers in schools, regardless where, it is always nice to thank them for the accomplishment they help impact on you

This one was one similar to another one, that what we do can make a difference in another 's day 

We all like to know when somebody is proud of us

This one has a couple layers. The outside basically has the outline of a heart and a key, to get inside somebodies heart you have to know how to use the key, two what is always on the outside is not what is inside. (that is written on the top layer) once you get inside you can tell them how amazing they are

This one I made when some of my friends in Tennessee were traveling back home from various of places, when I think of one coming home I don't think of the house, I think of who as a person are they being welcomed home to, since a house is not the home, but we make a home

This card was inspired by the kindness of a bus driver, one day while I was heading to the bus stop, I was a little late, he stopped and let me on, then I went to use the pass I had and it was expired, sooo I went to sit down to get my money to pay as I get off the bus but instead the bus driver hands me a pass to get back home on. I call that a Touch of God. I was soo thankful.

The whole bus system is all new to me, moving from Tennessee after 16 plus years to here in Providence has been quite the experince.


  1. Kitty, these are sooo fun! I especially love the one for the bus driver :) Looks so neat! Keep it up!

    1. Thank you very much Amy. They have been fun to make and to be able to have a story about each one personally inspired by happenings.
